Thursday, March 10, 2011


I'm so excited! 4 days left and I'm going to be free again. I always wanted to feel the feeling of being empty-minded. Whenever the school year has started, I'd always have a lot of thought about my unfinished projects, my homeworks, quizzes everyday, group activities and exams.
Every summer, I never have to worry about anything else but house chores and how to make my summer vacation fun. I'll not go back and forth to the city and I'll get to spend every night with my parents. Also that I get to use my computer anytime I want. I can sleep whenever I want. I can sing my heart out or dance around the house like an idiot. These are the things that I can do during summer that I can't do when I still have classes because of school work.
Maybe there's just one thing that I'll miss this summer. My friends. I'm probably going to be free but I'm going to have to shut my mouth about the things that I usually talk about with my friends. But I do wish to have a wonderful summer vacation and that I'll enjoy and learn.

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