Thursday, March 17, 2011


These are the most memorable events that happened this school year. Family Day, Intramural and Field Trip. These are just some of the happy moments that I had this year and I wish that I'd have more of these moments next year especially that it's my last year in AC.

I enjoyed Family Day this year because my sister came and it was really fun because I got to spend more time with her and also got a souvenir for this special day with Kristia and her sister.

Well, I'll have to say that the most happiest moment was when we won in Volleyball. Well, we didn't take it as if we shouldn't lose or something, we enjoyed the game. Even though it was very hot during our first game, we still endured the heat and tried our best to win. I'm used to play volleyball so I didn't feel nervous. Only a little maybe. I thought to myself that we were just practicing and that there's nothing to be worried about because Lea Mojo is in our team. The most exciting part was the game with Zebulun(Game 6). We won the first set and it'll be an advantage for our tribe because we need one more set to win the championship. It was a close fight. We were at match point first and we got tied at 24 and being tied at 24 means that we need two more points to win. It was my turn to serve, it was a crucial moment for all of us. I was trembling but I still kept on telling myself that I really need this ball be in. I tossed the ball and hit it so hard and it was a service ace! At that moment I felt so lucky.

Last month, we went to Dao for our exposure trip. It was beautiful there but I didn't enjoy very much because it was very hot and we're not allowed to swim. I also saw a lot of places that's quite similar to Lolet's eco park so my friends spent the day playing charades and we're laughing because we've come as far as Dao just to play charades. I had fun in the playground. I don't know what to call that ride but it was fun because we tried and tried but we never succeeded to fly with it. Maybe it was because we were all tall and it's hard to hang ourselves with that thing.

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