Friday, March 11, 2011

March 11, 2011

An 8.9-magnitude earthquake hit northern Japan today, triggering tsunamis that sent a wave filled with boats and houses toward land.

Different thoughts are in my mind right now. I'm checking twitter every now and then. I also went to see the CNN updates. Yes. I'm feeling paranoid and that's because different Tsunami alerts have been lifted to other places and I was thinking about the movie 2012. I really am sad about this and I kind of try to hide it by thinking positive and praying for the people in Japan and for the ones who died.

Right now, there are about 2 to 5 countries which are also warned to be prepared. In Hawaii, they saw waves that are about 8 to 10 feet high. I'm so scared right now. I know. Being scared will not help the people of Japan so I'll try my best to gather some courage to keep updated and pray not just for Japan but for everybody to be safe.

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