Sunday, October 7, 2012

Give your brain a Break!

Fresh man year in college. The first semester just ended, just turned 17. A lot of things happened. Drunken nights at SV, dancing at clubs, fun days at malls and yeah, struggles in school. It was just the awesome-est welcoming in college experiences. It's where my parents didn't have to know where I go, I didn't have to ask permission whenever I want to go out or hang out with friends, I could stay up late until the morning, I could not go to school whenever I didn't feel like going and everything you can and can't imagine. This semester was also the time when I realized or decided maybe that I should turn myself into someone stronger and tougher in all aspects.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


The top looks uber cute! And the necklace too! And did I say that that backpack is gorgeous?

Enough of the fashion posts

What is it like to be alone? Well, being yourself is likely to happen when you're alone. No more pretending, no pleasing anyone, no hard feelings. Just you. Sometimes, I like hanging around the malls, window shopping, alone. I could think more without anyone distracting my thoughts. No temptations to go to restaurants that you can't actually afford and you can actually choose where you would want to eat not like when you're with somebody who doesn't like what you like. But eating alone makes you feel more alone. I've experienced it. It definitely made me wish I had a boyfriend or just a friend who I can text or call to come there and eat with me because I'm lonely and that I feel jealous with the other couples surrounding me, eating together happily. So that's what being alone feels like for me.

Me gusta!

Photo grabbed from tumblr :D

Oh hot damn..

Would actually want a boyfriend who would wear something like this. Classy and elegant. Smokin' hot. Love this <3

Just the dull-est outfit. EVER!

Who would want to look like this? All black? That's a big no no for me. Considering the fact that you'd actually look like you're going to a funeral and that you'd look like an "emo" chick which you would never want to happen AND wearing black would actually make you feel warmer since dark colors absorb more heat. Just sayin' that this outfit looks dull and it's really not nice to wear this color from head to toe.